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Hepatitis and Blood Donation: Dos and Don’ts for Donors with a Hepatitis History

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Hepatitis and Blood Donation

hepatitis and blood donation

International Blood Donor Day is a special day to celebrate those who give the gift of life through blood donation. Blood donation is crucial for saving lives, but it’s important to understand that not everyone can donate blood. In this blog, we have focused on hepatitis and plasma donation to make you aware of what hepatitis is, the dos and don’ts for donors with a history of hepatitis, and when to avoid blood transfusions.

What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver. It can be caused by viruses (like hepatitis A, B, and C), alcohol, drugs, or other medical conditions. The liver is an important organ that helps filter toxins from your blood, so keeping it healthy is essential.

Types of Hepatitis

  • Hepatitis A: Usually spread through contaminated food or water. It is often acute (short-term).
  • Hepatitis B: Spread through contact with infected blood, needles, or other bodily fluids. It can be acute or chronic (long-term).
  • Hepatitis C: Mainly spread through contact with infected blood. It can also be acute or chronic.

Can People with Hepatitis Donate Blood?

People with a history of hepatitis need to be careful about donating blood. Here are some general guidelines:

Hepatitis A
If you had hepatitis A in the past but have fully recovered, you may be able to donate blood. Check with your doctor first.

Hepatitis B and C
If you have ever tested positive for hepatitis B or C, you cannot donate blood. This is to protect the health of the person receiving the blood.

Types of Hepatitus

Dos and Don’ts for Blood Donors with Hepatitis History


  1. Do inform the blood donation center about your hepatitis history. Full disclosure is important for the safety of both you and the recipient.
  2. Do get tested regularly if you have a history of hepatitis to monitor your liver health.
  3. Do consult your doctor before deciding to donate blood.


  1. Don’t donate blood if you are currently infected with hepatitis B or C.
  2. Don’t hide your hepatitis history. It’s crucial to be honest to ensure the safety of the blood supply.

When to Avoid Blood Transfusions

There are times when you should avoid receiving blood transfusions if you have hepatitis or liver issues:

  • Active Hepatitis Infection: If you are currently battling an active hepatitis infection, avoid blood transfusions unless necessary.
  • Severe Liver Damage: If your liver is severely damaged, discuss the risks of transfusion with your doctor.
  • Uncontrolled Symptoms:  If you have uncontrolled symptoms of hepatitis (such as jaundice, severe fatigue, or abdominal pain), consult a gastroenterologist before receiving a transfusion.

Symptoms of Hepatitis to Watch Out For

  1. Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)
  2. Fatigue (feeling very tired all the time)
  3. Abdominal Pain (especially on the right side where the liver is)
  4. Dark Urine
  5. Loss of Appetite
  6. Nausea and Vomiting


Understanding the relationship between hepatitis and blood donation is important for maintaining a safe blood supply and protecting your health. Always consult a gastroenterologist if you have a history of hepatitis and are considering donating blood or if you need a blood transfusion.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of hepatitis or have concerns about your liver health, book a consultation with us today. Your health and safety are our top priorities.

Share this blog with friends and family to spread awareness about safe blood donation and liver health. Remember, your health is in your hands, and we’re here to help you every step of the way.